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How It Started

My name is Damian Bacich, and I am a university professor with over 25 years of experience in the classroom. I am also passionate about the history of California and the West. As a college professor, I have taught hundreds of future teachers about the Golden State's cultural roots.

A few years ago, when my kids were in elementary school, I was looking for online resources about California history to share with them. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything that was both easy to understand and as well-researched as I wanted.

So I created my own website on California history: The California Frontier Project. In a short time, I saw that thousands of teachers, parents and students were using my articles for their own classrooms.

Soon elementary schools and homeschool groups were inviting me to talk to their students about California history. I saw that there was a lot of enthusiasm for the subject, but many teachers and parents were overwhelmed with so many responsibilities. They didn't have the time to find or create all of the materials to teach California history/social studies as well as they would like.

With those teachers and parents in mind, I started California History Teachers. Through California History Teachers, members can access all the high-quality, no-prep lessons and activities that they need, and new materials are continually added.

I hope you will find our resources helpful. If you would like to know more, sign up for our mailing list below and get a sample of some of our teaching materials. You can also reach out to me through either website. I'm happy to help.

Damian Bacich, Ph.D.
The California Frontier Project
California History Teachers

Free Classroom Slide Presentation

Learn more about California History Teachers and receive a free presentation: "Native Americans and California Geography."